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Brand Classification: 

  • Generic


eukoko (2024-03-24)

It would be appropriate to shift here:


Omar stalin (2020-10-10)

El país de origen.

Ferrin (2020-05-06)

So - hundreds of other labels that businesses use for all fruits + bananas, we will also discard - a good idea (??).

bertieboy (2020-05-01)

Great idea, I am stunned that these sort of labels are downloaded.
No way can they be classed as banana labels

michael (2020-04-30)

When clicking 'I have it' the number of labels in the collection are increasing. But when having this kind of labels we can substract some points. So when having enough of this price labels that stick on the awful plastic bags, you can have a negativ number of labels in your collection.

Is this a good idea, how does this sound to you?

Michael (2016-02-10)

I have seen this one on the plastic bag for many bananas of the supermarked MORRISONS (I added the picture to this banana label if someone like to see it). For me this are not banana labels!

Michael (2015-06-23)

OK. It's is 'rejected'

bertieboy (2015-06-22)

No way can this be regarded as a banana label

bertieboy (2015-04-09)

Appears to be another " in store" discount label that could be stuck on any item

Michael (2015-03-09)

OK, changed from "Bananalabel" to "Misprint & Fake". To delete this labels is probably not a good idea, because it appears in many other collections and could be uploaded from other collectors again ..

bertieboy (2015-03-08)

Not a Banana label .This is a special price sticker that is used by supermarkets to place on any sale item.

Michael (2015-02-23)

OK, I agree. Added to the documentation "No Banana Label"


bertieboy (2015-02-23)

this appears to be a supermarket price tag that is on other fruits. I would not class this as a banana label

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