Sunripe: Kenya

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


April 2020


Martin S (2019-11-15)

I just remember that in the 90‘s they showed up on plantains and red bananas. The label was as far as I know identical to the ones used on avocados or mangoes. Sometimes yellow and sometimes white, without a recognizable rule to it. So for me it is a generic fruit label including bananas, but I’ve never seen it on Cavendish.

Claus V. (2019-11-11)

Great lets ask the commiunity: Does anybody have any information about the Sunripe labels?

michael (2019-11-06)

You are right, in the article is mentioned, that the white variant with green letters are from 'apple bananas'. This is what I wrote.

There are many variants of the SUNRIPE Kenya. Some of them have been on mangos.and avocados, that's for sure. About this label with the orange letters I do not know anything. My first guess was: Propably no banana label. But I do not know it, it was just a guess to ask the community.

Claus V. (2019-11-06)

I cannot see where in the article it mentions that this is a apple label- it mentions apple bananas - which is something completely different - but surely bananas

michael (2019-11-02)

The white ones are reported on Apple Bananas in No 11 of COMPLETELY BANANAS. The yellow ones are not really certifed here at the catalog:

Claus V. (2019-11-02)

But the yellow one with same writing is accepted and all other white too???

michael (2019-11-02)

mhh, mango I would say

Claus V. (2019-11-01)

White variant

bananacarril (2017-04-01)

I have many different ones - once common in parts of Europe.

Claus V. (2017-03-30)

New variant

Michael (2016-10-03)

Apple bananas. Fantastic, and we have issue No. 11 in the ARTICLE section of this catalog.

bertieboy (2016-10-03)

See issue No 11 of COMPLETELY BANANAS it verifies that it is a banana label, with full history

Michael (2016-10-03)

I always thought it is a banana label ...

zantrost (2016-10-02)

Honestly, I don't know, I got this label from company. I uploaded it because I saw other labels of this company uploaded here.

PETER NIESSEN (2016-10-02)

I think, it's not banana. I found it several times on mangoes.

Michael (2016-10-02)

Hi Žan, please, could you add the size of the label in mm. It is some times easier to compare it with the own collection when we know how big it is ...

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