Fuel the Fun: Panama

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


February 2020


February 2020


michael (2020-12-12)

Yes, the monkey has got a face mask. But my favorite covid label is this one from Chiqita in February 2020, published very few days before everything started.

BTW, we have in the search the motif 'Covid-19' showing 15 labels in the mean time.

michael (2020-03-04)

For your information: I do have 1740 'helping points' for updating the catalog at this moment. To care a little bit of our catalog before start trading is not going to far. If you have less then 50 'helping points' the trade lists are closed for that reason (or you are a premium member).

To repeat it: I do not have enough help in the IT cost and I do not have enough support to keep the catalog up to date. Most of you only care about the trades to increase the own collection. I do not want to do most of the work and take most of the cost without having any benefit.This is not OK!

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